Microburst Storm Damage

Well, as much as I love WordPress, I finally got tired with the updates and the response times when the shared hosting MySQL instances got bogged down.

Since I’ve been moving away from CMS in general and switching from Drupal and WP to Metalsmith templated websites, I thought I would look around for a WP migration option.

Seems like HEXO does a great job of migration, via Jekyll posts, so I’ve jumped off the deep end and

A huge round-up of photos can be seen on Arlington Patch.   Although I uploaded my own photos there from this morning, (taken as I trekked through the toppled branches of the bike trail), I found that the maximum viewing size was only 600×450 pixels.   So I’m posting two of the better shots here, which you can click on to see a larger version 1600×1200 pixels.   Doesn’t do justice to the full resolution images from the new Sony W630 (4300×3240), but you get the idea.

trail devastation
trail devastation
