Category: MACHINES


From Space Travelers to Scavengers

Although it is exciting to think about water and soil on Mars, and new horizons for human exploration of space, still we should bring our heads back out of the clouds and face facts: human civilizati


Technology for Paranormal Research

Reading the latest news about the haunted city hall of Middleborough, Massachusetts got me wondering about the state of the art for ghost busting. What self-respecting paranormal commando would be cau


Drupal Hive Catches a Buzz

I went to DrupalCon2008 expecting the usual 20 to 40 techie types in a room. Sort of a Modules Anonymous session, as Boris Mann of RainCity described it. What I didn’t expect was the crazy mad buzz of


Oh my, robotic fly!

As if the mere thought of an annoying robot fly isn’t enough, we now have the real thing, thanks to Dr. Robert Wood at Harvard’s Microrobotics Laboratory. Check


Diamond Bay Radio is On the Air

After lengthy consideration, I finally shelled out for some recording gear, so that I could produce audio content. You can see the complete set up for Diamond Bay Radio in the photo above. The basic


Art-o-mat Machines

When you really need some original art, but don’t have time to browse at galleries and zine-fairs, why not get your fix at the nearest Art-0-mat? Made from reconditioned cigaret machines, Art-o-mats


Building Mother Box

Remember Mister Miracle and his incredible super-detection + power-enhancing device: Mother Box? Well, now an erstwhile gadget maker has built a prototype for Mother Box! It combines a wireless detect