As Occupy Wall Street has grown from a demonstration to a social movement, it is inspiring to see many good things emerging. Perhaps the most basic triumph of the Occupy movement has been to wrench the agenda away from the preposterous “all terror all the time” and “infinite war” protocols that have infested the public consciousness, and to refocus the agenda of social and political discourse.
This is in itself a small miracle, and I praise everyone who has struggled through a cold night or joined a general assembly for having launched the “Occupy” meme into the global consciousness! In addition, I have to thank all the innovative contributors to the Occupy movement who did things like form the general assembly, form sustainable sub-groups that support the community, and provide for practical matters like bicycle-powered generators! Way to be people!
If there is anyone still in doubt about what the “demands” are in the Occupy movement, I can only recommend everyone to look at the interesting chart of General Assembly discussions (linked below) and then ask yourself: which of these issues is pertinent to me?
After that, discuss them with your friends, your family, your neighbors, your elected officials, your cat, your dog, your conscience. Above all, demand of America a moral compass! And then demand that we move beyond an age of greed and sadism, to a realm that holds perpetrators responsible for both their economic crimes and their crimes against humanity. Yes, the 99% will triumph! Instantiate your rights, OccupyEverything!