Steele Savage, can you give me an "e"?

Enjoyed reading a copy of Heinlein’s novel “Have Spacesuit Will Travel,” with an especially nice cover by Steele Savage. Which made me curious to look up more covers by the same artist. He seems to have a predilection for disembodied, floating heads. Not to mention a very suspiciously unrealistic name! Gimme a break! “Steele,” with a silent “e” on the end? This has got to be a pseudonym…which led me to speculate on who Savage is, if not Steele Savage… If I had to pick a likely candidate, I would note the similarity of brushwork, the pale skies, and smoothly modeled surfaces in the work of Carlos Ochagavia, one of my all-time favorite artists (though lamentably almost forgotten today).

But since his work dates back to some World War II posters, we might have to accept the incredible name. Not to mention the incredible SF covers Savage painted in the late 60s and early 70s!

See also a listing of Steele Savage covers at ISFDB.

A few covers and illustrations on flickr.

A small gallery of Arabian Nights illustrations, circa 1932.
